The hoopla surrounding Charlotte continues, as the Sun-Sentinel interviewed her yesterday. More info about that when I have it. I also caught up with recently relocated (back to New Jersey) SilverSneakers student, Sheila, who I am happy to report sounds very happy in her new digs but does miss all the friends she made in class.
Well, after some years, finally…a Vegan Thursday that finds me back in the kitchen with some work to do! With Derek and Jolene coming in tomorrow night for Pete and Erin’s wedding this weekend, I am revisiting some old recipes from the actual Vegan Feast Thursday Era. First up — chocolate chip cookie dough truffles as I can make those today, for tomorrow night. (Recipe can be found by entering chocolate chip cookie dough truffles in the search engine at the to of this site’s homepage). They are a 3 step process, but all easy and oh so yummy and so rich you really can’t eat more than one or two.
We are not hosting a big dinner tomorrow night because D and J won’t be in till late. I thought I would do a big breakfast on Saturday morning so if any of the regulars want to come join us for tofu scrambles and ????? please let me know ASAP. Thinking around 10ish so we can all get ready for the wedding and get hungry again for this all vegan wedding event! If ever 2 people cared about saving the lives of animals, it is these 2.
So, yes, this year the holiday was bumped for a wedding. Not just any wedding. Peter’s wedding. Through the years I have repeatedly heard Pete tell me, in response to questions about his girlfriends, “she’s not the one.” When Jane and I sat with Pete at Falafel Bistro a year ago, and he told us all about Erin, (with so much enthusiasm and so smitten) it was clear from that day that SHE was THE ONE! We are very excited that these two peas found one another and are excited to celebrate with them, Derek (who is part of the bridal party) and Jolene and all their families and friends. I will NOT be at class on Saturday morning.
Have a beautiful day. Be kind. Think compassionately and keep moving!