This past weekend, Mitch and I went to see the play Billy Elliot and having no expectations, really enjoyed it! There were many messages in the story. Messages of tolerance and acceptance, the reminder that when you want to dance, you should dance, and also the sad message that hunger is often just around the corner for people who hadn’t been hungry before. When the set changed from the Elliot’s kitchen, to a soup kitchen, of course I found myself sighing and crying, though I definitely did leave the theatre dancing, for Billy was not only accepted by his family and community, but also was off to start a better life for himself.
In 2010, 14.5% of households (approximately 1 in 7) were food insecure, the highest number ever recorded in the US). Given the state of our economy, my guess would be those numbers are considerably higher, now.
Just a reminder…next Friday evening, March 23 6:30-7:30…yin yoga/peaceful Pilates and more (or should I say, less?) class at Tamarac Fitness Center. A suggested minimum donation of $10.00 gets you the chance to take an hour and simply unwind and lose yourself from the outside world, welcome in beautiful Spring and fight hunger right here in our own backyard. Thanks to those of you who have already secured your spot with a generous donation and thanks as well to those that won’t be able to attend, but have been generous as well. Even in this challenging economy, it just doesn’t make sense that people should be hungry. For more info, read my previous blog from last week by clicking the link below. Still have questions? Just ask! Much love and thanks. Make it a marvelous Monday. Happy anniversary, Lesley and Richard. Thanks for all the inspiration!
Related articles
- Let’s Stretch, Decompress AND Feed the Hungry (peaceandfitness.com)