If you struggle with hemorrhoids, constipation, or other digestive issues that give you daily problems, there are a few things you can do today that might make things a whole lot better immediately. Put a step stool in the bathroom and put your feet up on it while you do your business. You can learn more about how this works by googling squatty potty or looking it up on youtube (but the step stool will do the same thing as the squatty potty). Add a few spoons of ground flax seed to your daily diet. You can put it in a shake, or sprinkle it on salad, veggies, whatever. Drink more water than you think you should, even if you already drink a lot! Watch the amount of coffee and alcohol you consume. Try softer, kinder toilet paper. But mostly, try the step stool and of course eat plenty of vegetables, fresh fruit and and get your daily exercise!

Because doing your daily business doesn’t have to hurt! Please pass this on to someone who may benefit from the info. While it’s a pretty private subject, we all know people who have these issues and this simple info might really help….