While Sunday is usually rest day for me, I woke up this morning inspired and motivated to get moving. Inspired by the likes of Rose Brickman who took first place in several categories yesterday at the 2014 NGA Central Florida Gator Classic Pro/Am. I have witnessed her dedication to fitness and she does prove that 50 really is the new 30, but it doesn’t just happen. It takes lots of work, sacrifice and the ability to see the brass ring instead of dive into immediate gratification. Congratulations to her and I know this is just the beginning! Personally, I just want to know how you walk in those shoes!
Of course I am motivated by the fact that Nicole and Kyle’s wedding is now, officially, THIS WEEK! I just went out and took a 2.5 miles run around the neighborhood, came home and did some ab work and will be hitting the pool shortly. Every summer I goal to swim 1,000 laps and my short term goal was to do 600 of them by the wedding. I am only 15 away so will make a dent into the more long term goal. Around these parts we get at least 5 good swimming months and my pool isn’t huge, so laps go pretty quickly and there is plenty of time to accumulate 1000 of them. I love setting goals because it feels so awesome to complete them! I have come to realize, though, that I will never be a long distance runner. I can push myself to get out there most every day and do 1 or 2 or so miles but I can’t seem to push myself to do the distance runs. This might have everything to do with the fact that my job is pretty physical, so I am good with all of it.
In fact, this morning, I am feeling good (great) with everything! Getting up and looking at Facebook this morning, I was so happy to see so many friends and family members celebrating good things, good times, special occasions and…life! From sorority sisters from way back when all gathering for a girls weekend in NY, to family and friends celebrating milestone birthdays and sports accomplishments as well as pictures from awesome family trips and milestone occasions like Nicole’s bridal shower and Allison’s engagement there were many smiles on my face and in my heart this morning. Here’s a photo from after the shower, heading to the Hard Rock. This one wasn’t on Facebook this morning, so I thought I would share…
With 6 days until the wedding I will be at the gym tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday for all regularly scheduled classes and then will be out until Wednesday the 6th of August. Ellen will be subbing my Friday and Monday SilverSneakers classes but all MY(including senior strength) Tuesday classes will be cancelled. I believe Ellen is subbing my Monday 8:30 class on Aug 4 but you may want to double check with her or the front desk later in the week. Additionally, I will be entertaining ONLY happy thoughts and am in totally negativity free zone! This doesn’t mean I wont’ be sending positive energy where needed (even during wedding time, life goes on and it’s not always perfect).
Finally, for all those that keep saying “take a lot of pictures at the wedding,” I need everyone to know that the bride and groom have requested an unplugged wedding. This means they are asking guests to put cellphones away as they walk down the aisle, exchange vows and have the first dances. We all understand how hard this is in today’s PLUGGED in world, but Nicole and Kyle want their night to be intimate and they would like their closest family and friends, who will be there to witness this monumental event, to be present. They also have been encouraged by their photographers and videographers as too many great wedding moments have been ruined by a well meaning guest’s flash going off, or getting in the way. We all hope that everyone attending will understand that this is all about these 2 “kids” who have worked INCREDIBLY hard to make their own wedding and are paying attention to every detail!
I am sorry for going on and on this morning. I usually reserve Sundays for peaceful thoughts but I have wayyyyyyyy too much adrenaline flowing! I do, however, wish YOU a very peaceful Sunday and thank you for stopping in. Much love…….
Thanks so much Bonni! The challenge continues as I compete against other “pros” now. Continuing to set goals keeps us alive and pushing for our best.
We are alike in sooo many ways. I will soon be in wedding mode for my daughter’s wedding in October. How exciting! Love and Peace to you!
Really proud of you, Rose. I remember sitting in my garage and you just tossing out the idea of going down this road and look at you now! And yes, the wedding stuff….Sam and I got to spend time together last week at the shower and were talking about the October wedding. It’s a very exciting time, for sure! One of these days we can sit down and catch up in person…once this weekend comes and goes, I will be back to normal…whatever that is 🙂