Thanks to the fine customer service people at BrandsMart USA for absolutely doing the right thing when things, beyond their control, went amiss. Your commitment to excellence certainly makes us happy customers. We look forward to enjoying our new kitchen appliances and appreciate the efforts you made to make it happen in a timely fashion, despite the comedy of errors.
Congratulations to Derek on your new wheels. I keep walking around the house singing “it’s electric,” which definitely makes me want to do the slide. I know you will enjoy your new ride even more knowing you are reducing your carbon footprint, big time.
This time of year is my favorite. So a big thumbs up to Mother Nature for all the yummy mangoes and other fruits and veggies, the absolutely beautiful array of flowers and last but definitely not least, the longer days of sunlight. I will miss you, May, but it’s always nice that joyful June, always follows.