Happy Saturday, Happy Passover and happy full moon weekend! The moon will actually be full tomorrow afternoon, so we consider tonight and tomorrow night’s moon, full. We call this moon the worm moon, because of the earth worms that appear from the warming soil It is also known as the sugar moon, crow moon, crust moon, chaste moon, sap moon and sore eyes moon! I guess you can pick which one resonates best for you! So there will be wine for Elijah (for those that think Jewish people don’t believe in angels, how would you explain Elijah?) and we can also set out our crystals to be recharged by the full moon’s powerful energy. I love rituals and since I realize I am Jewish in my DNA and heritage and a transcendentalist in my philosophy of life, it’s beautiful to celebrate the moon on this Passover weekend!
Yesterday Sheree and I made another huge food drop at Feeding South Florida. We both slightly over-guessed the poundage, but it makes sense because I did get a lot of LIGHT weight food to balance out all the cans, jars and bottles that were donated. Sheree’s car was once again FULL. Thanks to Mitch for help loading up each month. The pictures NEVER, EVER do justice to how much food we deliver, this month 367 pounds which equals about 305 meals.
Earlier in the week I pulled the ANT spirit card from my animal spirit oracle deck. We all want the butterfly, the dove, the dolphin, the lion, but I pulled ant and when I read the meaning, it made PERFECT sense. Ants work as a team. We often refer to them as an army. It is a small army that makes this Feeding America donation so successful each month! I discussed with Sheree that I don’t thank each of you individually, for your contributions, because I am always concerned about breaching privacy. From the monthly commitments in the way of food, gift cards, money, BOGOS, bags for packing, spreading the word and more, YOU know who you are and I know, like me, you all sleep better for doing your part. The ant card made PERFECT sense, since each ant has it’s job and together is how they make things happen. This was exactly why I called the project F.F.I.T. (Fighting Food Insecurity TOGETHER). Without you, there is no TOGETHER.
Michelle, featured with Sheree in the pic below, works for Feeding America. She asked Sheree and I if we can plan to spend a little extra time next month, picking our brains a little about the how and why we got involved. The concern is that donations slow down a lot when the holidays are far behind and the weather gets much warmer. The hope is we can inspire others. When this all started back in December, there were hopes of seeing a ripple effect, so we are happy to help in any way we can. We do know the ripple effect is happening when I am told of people donating to food banks in other states and my long distance fairy godmother took to delivering food to the home bound in California. So thank you again, to all!!!!
Sheree with Michelle from Feeding South Florida.
The palate that the food gets loaded on to be weighed is deep so I can never seem to get a good shot that really shows just how much food is on there…this was 367 pounds. #F.F.I.T.
Like an army of ants, we keep growing our colony. Today, we start the collection phase again. With each full moon, we will set our sights on collecting and gathering once again. Remember that each full moon encourages us to let go of what no longer serves us so we can ask for what will! We let go of a lot of food yesterday, and I will ask the beautiful, full worm moon, to once again begin the flow of more…..and ALWAYS I am grateful for having more than enough, and grateful to YOU!
You Rock at everything you reach for and beyond !
Thanks for being YOU and all YOU do, Sher.
I love the ant analogy. They really do get a lot work done. Like bees