In the midst of this holiday weekend, it’s a great idea to get in some exercise when you can. It will burn up some calories, fire up the metabolism, burn off some sugar and do a world of good for the mental state! I’ll be at Tamarac Fitness Center for class at 9:30 doing cardio and weights. Personally, I’ll be burning off (way too many) chocolate gel rings….and making way for lots of leftovers. After class, Mitch and I are thinking about a staycation day…and somehow the otherwise harmless, leftover strawberries and pineapple seem to be saying “please make us into daquiries.” It is, after all, a holiday and holidays are meant to be celebrated. We had a lovely evening last night and hope our family and friends did, too. Happy holidays to one and all and a very, very special happy birdledadle to my little boyfriend, Nate, who turns 5 today. I hope you find the afikomen, Natey!
Caitlyn Plowman says
Thats good, your blog is cool, i like it. Thanks for the efforts my friend.
My Bolg :