Raising our own vibration is a great way to boost the immune system and we all need to keep ours boosted! Anything that makes you feel good, will work….dancing, paying a compliment, practicing gratitude, holding a baby, singing, playing in the sand, practicing yoga, (or most any movement that makes you feel good) meditation, spending time with animals, watching a sunrise or sunset, creating, hugging and my new personal favorite, swinging on a swing. Not just for kids, swinging is good for anxiety and is used as a treatment for PTSD. Makes sense, as “rocking” is so soothing to the nervous system!
In this crazy pandemic time, more than ever, we need to take responsibility for our health, both physical and mental. If we are feeding our souls with toxicity, that will not only lower our own vibration, but that of those who’s lives we intertwine with. There are so many ways to raise our own vibration, all we have to do is find what makes us happy and then do more of that!
Patio visit with dear a friend………..xooxxo