Congratulations to the Giants (I will always think of them as the NY Giants, no matter where they play) for the big win last night…and to the Patriots for a game well played…Hats off to Madonna, who, though I thought she started off just “OK,” built into a wonderfully explosive finale and as promised, did not disappoint…Congratulations to Carol for finishing her first 5K, yesterday morning at The Butterfly Run. I am so proud of you, Carol. What an awesome feeling to not only run through the finish line, but to accomplish the goal and burn off some Superbowl calories AHEAD of time! Good thinking….Thanks to Jeff and JJR Photography for giving of their hearts and time to take photos at the soup kitchen this past weekend. With your attention to detail and perfection, I am certain the photos will well tell the story of the clients served. You are very much appreciated…while so many of us were overindulging in food and drink this weekend, there are so many, right in our own backyards, who were going hungry. Congratulations to my nephew, David, who is living proof that we are not who we used to be. We are so proud of you for all you have accomplished.
If you are anything like much of the rest of the country, you either ate too many wings, drank too much beer, or both, last night. If first you play, than after, you must pay! With a full day of fitness ahead of me, even with hamstrings and glutes that are still screaming from Friday/Saturday workouts, I will hit the trifecta of fitness…cardio/strength and flexibility…personally, I am burning off deconstructed guacamole and stuffed mushrooms…relatively harmless, but still the scale is not my friend, this morning. It’s all good, as we will make up by tomorrow. If you, like me, were lucky enough to have more than enough this weekend, lets not just work on burning it off, but also on being thankful. And speaking of more than enough, thanks to Erica and Jeff for cleaning out their pantry and filling a big box to go to the soup kitchen today or tomorrow and make some hungry tummies, very happy.