Ah, how good it feels to be back in the “saddle.”
Carol, your comment struck me this morning because it IS amazing how people with similar interests can bond, even when they are separated by gazillions of miles. Without the Internet, I am not sure I would have ever gone on a Pilates journey. I always remain indebted to my mentor, Gil, from One-on-One Pilates in Fresno, California. I “met” Gil when I was searching the net (in the 90s) trying to figure out how I could learn about this then underground discipline. Though I am sure he is not reading this, I will still say THANK YOU, Gil.
Sometimes I feel like a handful of us are sitting around having coffee and sharing pieces of ourselves with one another. I have come to find out that their are many who choose not to comment, they are with us, too. I do appreciate hearing from Becky, Carol, Carole, Rita, Judy AND LISA (how in the world did I forget you earlier today my crazy friend who always reminds me to “act accordingly?” ) on a regular basis. I am also impressed and always inspired by some of my SilverSneakers students who check in regularly and then ask me some great questions in person or via email. If anyone EVER wants fitness (and life) inspiration, go participate in one of these classes. I love the way people at Bally watch through the glass in amazement of how fit, agile and devoted the class participants are! What an inspiration.
Carol, you are a tough woman and you will be back in the groove in no time, but still the fall was a great big “bummer.” Remember the 4 deep breaths, 4 times a day no matter how much they hurt! I am telling you it would be so much worse if you weren’t already a seasoned deep breather from all you do in the gym, especially the Pilates breathing.
Rita, I will look forward to seeing you Saturday!!!! Can’t wait to hear all about NYC. Thinking Mitch and I are going to do something similar very soon.
This being vegan Thursday, I thought I would share some really interesting info about avocados that I found in this month’s issue of Natural Muscle Magazine. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I eat some avocado almost daily–in a salad, on a wrap with hummus, or in the form of guacamole. Because a whole one has about 300 calories, I try not to eat more than a half a day. Anyway, here are some interesting facts about this wonderfully magical and tasty fruit.
Helps reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides while raising good cholesterol.
Provide nearly 30 essential nutrients, including 13 grams of fiber in a whole one, potassium, Vitamin B, E and folic acid.
Work as a nutrient booster by enabling the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients like alpha and beta-carotene and lutein, in foods eaten with the avocado.
The healthy fats found in avocados actually assist in weigh loss.
Contain nutrients that seem to protect people from strokes, cancer, Alzheimer’s and reduce the risk factors for birth defects.
If you want to make guacomole, just mash up a couple of over ripe avocados and add some salsa, lime juice and fresh cilantro. I like to serve it with hummus and chips for a great, healthful (and vegan) appetizer when we get together with friends.
Enjoy your day. I will be doing the same! I find myself incredibly lucky to be surrounded (here, there and most everywhere) by some really kind, compassionate, wonderful people (and animals).
Remember if you ever find anything on this site worth sharing, please pass it on. My webmaster, Kyle, has added a link on the home page that will allow you to send the site to another. Thanks, Kyle, for the turnaround time on that request!
Your blog is like an addiction to me and I DO honestly feel connected to everyone…..everyday. I love the comments from others and Bonni, YOU are just incredible!!!! I love reading your suggestions, health tips, recipes, comments and WHATEVER you have to share. I smile, I hum, I breathe, I am happy after I read whatever you post. So…….please know that you are impacting so many people in such a positive way!!!
I can’t wait to attend your class on Saturday. It has been definitely BONNI WITHDRAWAL during the time that I was unable to attend.
I love your articles Bonni. Just wanted to add to your avacado article.
According to Dr. Oz ( I love him oxoxox), Scrape the inside skin of an avacado with a knife and use it for a facial. It’s great for your skin and you’ll never go back to bottled cosmetic facials again.
Now, go ahead greenface! JUST DO IT!
LISA… How did I forget you amongst my regulars?!?! You give me such awesome feedback!!!! I love your green mask suggestion. And maybe a margarita with that?!?!
You crack me up! I love you soooo much. You and Mitch have helped me become a more peaceful person with myself, that I am now. Well, I’m still nuts and all over the board but more mellow. If that makes sense to anyone. oxoxoxox
Enjoy your night.