This morning’s post is brought to you by our friends at GoGratitude…

Inhale Love…
Exhale Gratitude
nourishing the Heart,
stoking the HeartFire,
opening HeartFire Gateways,
flowing thru
in Love and Gratitude.
For today…
sit for a few rounds of breathing…
in Love and releasing Gratitude.
Beyond thoughts, simply BE.
No questions, no answers.
Be Love and Gratitude.

Yes, I am interested to join you in practice of Daily Attitude of Gratitude. It is gratitude that makes us know we already have everything we need.
I would love to join you in a practice of a Daily Attitude of Gratitude! I’ve had some wdfneroul experiences with this and find it SO worth the time and effort!Thank you for the lovely meditation. You continue to offer such value and service to those seeking to live from spirit! Thank you!Blessings, Love and Light to you!Sue