This morning I woke up with so much on my mind, but not enough time to blog about any of it. I always do my best writing in the morning, so this will certainly not be my best but here goes…..
Thank goodness the Heat won last night–it was a hard game to watch, though it’s never hard for me to watch King James…also, great job by the Dancing With the Stars finale. Though I haven’t watched it all, I did watch the end and my opinion is this (for those that asked): I am happy Meryl won. She is an unbelievable dancer. Yes, I know she had an edge, being a skater, but this show is not at all about fairness-it’s about “celebrities” dancing against one another for a mirror ball trophy. I ABSOLUTELY AM FOREVER inspired by Amy’s story, her dedication and her truly awesome dancing. She was most of the reason I tuned in each week, but in my opinion, Meryl blew everyone away. She is almost not even real! Her beauty, her delicate but strong as hell body, her grace, strength and flexibility–despite how good anyone danced, I just think Meryl was in a league of her own. Had Amy won, I think it would have been, in (big) part, because of her story and the fact that she danced with 2 prosthetic feet, which is AMAZING–but I still think Meryl was a better dancer. All that said, I think it would have been really something if Meryl and Mak offered Amy the trophy out of humility, but I live in a fantasy world, sometimes-and I do know this was the first year (in 16 seasons) that Mak won, which was well deserved. If you need inspiration in your life, go on youtube and look at some videos of Amy Purdy dancing. Read her story. This is a story of finding victory as opposed to be a victim. It is a story that will stay with me forever…on a totally different note, funny, but last night’s yoga was all about opening up our throat chakra for better communication–today my horoscope said I (and I quote) “words come easier over the next several days”coincidence? hmmmm–and thanks to everyone who has been coming out to class and working on opening their chakras with me….speaking of class, I will be subbing for Ellen tomorrow at 10 and also Friday at 10 (as well as my own 11:30 class). Don’t forget that the gym is closed on Memorial Day so we can all spend time with our families….finally, I have been discussing what constitutes moderate intensity exercise vs. high intensity. There are formulas and ways to calculate, but the easiest way is to monitor your breathing and your perceived exertion. Formulas are so concrete, they don’t take too many things into consideration. What might be moderate to one person, might be quite high intensity to another, so always be aware. If you cannot talk while you’re exercising that is definitely high intensity for you. If you can carry on a conversation and feel relatively comfortable, (like in a brisk walk) that’s moderate intensity. I think we need to do it ALL. Not too little…and as per my conversation with a friend this morning, not too much, either. Studies show the healthiest people are the ones, that just like Goldilocks, find what’s JUST RIGHT.
Wishing you all a day that is JUST RIGHT.

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