Recently we talked about working in 25 minute segments. Today, we are going to talk about the other 5 minutes left in a half-hour segment. Recognizing how much we can do (or UNdo) in 5 minutes gives us a whole new perspective.
In a 5 minute break we can chose to meditate, text a friend, sit peacefully with a cup of coffee (or beverage of your choice), do push-ups, do a series of several yoga poses (a vinyasa), step outside, take some deep cleansing breaths, spend time with our pets, do squats, watch 5 minutes of comedy, listen to a song (immediate mood changer), dance it out, eat an apple, take child’s pose, put away 10 items (this is a topic for another day), play your singing bowl or guitar or drums, walk around and get in 500 steps, do some crunches, write out a birthday card, close your eyes and relax, drink your glass of water and refill it, water your plants, play a word game, reach out and tell someone you love them, visualize your peaceful place like the beach, mountains or forest, read or do absolutely nothing–sometimes 5 minutes of NOTHING is more refreshing than sleep.
This is just a short list of endless possibilities. We are living in unprecedented times and we owe it to ourselves to find joy and peace wherever we are. Science supports short breaks having very positive impact on our hippocampus, allowing us to better store information in our long term memory. If it is fitness we are trying to squeeze into a busy work day, imagine how many squats, push-ups and crunches you can get in taking those 5 minute breaks!!!
Whatever YOU are craving, you can get it in if you manage your time wisely. Try to fill those moments with the opposite of what the rest of your day looks like. When life was normal and I was working out 3 and 4 and 5 times a day, my breaks were often sitting on the couch watching Criminal Minds. That was what I craved and it sustained me. If you are working remotely and sitting on your butt at the computer all day, make those breaks about—what else? Peace…and fitness. Find yours.
Love this! Bonni, Thank you for taking time out of your day to write these beautiful posts. They really do help build our peace and fitness.. You’re making a difference!❤️
Thanks for those kind words, Lisa. Love you! xoxox