Lots of people will be celebrating Easter, tomorrow, and lots of parents will be out, today, trying to grant their children’s wishes for their very own cuddly bunnies. Personally, I am all about pets, and bunnies are absolutely adorable. Just make sure that if you are bringing one into your home (or even more so, the home of another) that you have done your homework.
Bunny rabbits will live over 10 years. They need the proper amount of space to get in ample exercise and play. If they are not given this, they will get bored and boredom ALWAYS leads to trouble. They need a lot of fiber– probably access to grass and/or hay, all day. They need to be litter trained. No two bunnies are the same. They may be affectionate, but also can be aloof and have a need for alone time.
Rabbits are absolutely adorable. They are not, however, stuffed animals. If you do all your homework and still decide this is a great animal for your home, please find one you can rescue. Every Easter there are a lot of bunnies sold to people who find, soon after, they really can’t care for them and give them to a shelter. Rescuing one, which will probably already be litter trained, is a fabulous option and a win/win situation.
On a totally different note (but then again, not really)….Gardein products are BOGO at Publix this week, starting Monday. This is a big celebration in my home where I stock my freezer with breakfast patties, crabless cakes, fishless fillets and chicken(less) tenders. There is such a big selection and Publix has been doing a great job of making them available to us. It makes me very happy to hear how many NON-vegans have added Gardein products to their shopping lists. I stay away from the ones that come with sauces, because of calories, but I bet those are REALLY good. Additionally, Earth Balance products are also BOGO @ Publix this week. It’s a good week for stocking up on some animal free products!
And while I am on the topic of awesome plant-based foods, I tip my hat, once again, to the good people at the Falafel Bistro in Coral Springs/Parkland. This place consistently makes me happy. Yes, the prices can be a bit high, but seriously the food makes it all worth it. I had there food 2 days in a row this week. Not too many places in town make a vegan tofu scramble with tons of veggies, served piping hot in a cast iron skillet with all kinds of side dishes (hummus, pita, salad)…and the mushroom kabobs (which are really patties) are so good, also served with amazingly delicious sides (many to chose from)…I am pretty excited about the leftovers in the fridge! Most of their soups are vegan and enjoying a cup helps us to understand how UN-necessary creams are, when making creamy soup! Last night Mitch and I shared some creamy garlic cauliflower soup that was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!
Happy shared birthday to two women that are both so special to me, Joy and Lesley. You both add such a bright light to our world and I am so thankful to have you both in my circle. Hope you each have a wonderful day celebrating with your families…and have many, many more!
Wherever you are enjoy your Saturday and your Easter weekend. I am keeping good thoughts for my family in NY this weekend, as I know it will be a tough “first.” I would like to take this opportunity to once again thank all of my friends and family for all the kind words, cards, thoughts, hugs, love and contributions made to the fund set up for my 13 year old great niece and nephew. It will certainly help their dad, who is a police officer, provide for them these next few years and is appreciated so greatly.
And one last thing…beware the sneaky peeps…they start in your mouth but definitely end up on your hips. They have SOOO much sugar in them, one or two should really satisfy your craving without doing any damage! Remember–it’s all about balance.