We all know how easy it is to catch the common cold, but did you know that stress can be just as contagious? Recent research at the University of Hawaii shows that we can actually catch negative attitudes, which is all the more reason to “just say NO” to negativity. Bad attitudes, and even the negative body language of your friends, co-workers and family are easily “caught,” just by spending time with these people. So listen to that voice inside you and when you feel those bad vibes in your space, do whatever you can to distance yourself, or at least to limit how much you left them affect you. Conversely, positive energy is just as contagious, so make sure to seek out and spend time with those people who radiate beams of positivity.
Want to be a person who radiates beams of positivity? SMILE more. In a different study published in the journal Psychological Science showed that the act of smiling (using all the muscles in the face, not just the mouth) can actually lower your heart rate after a stressful event. Apparently, even if you aren’t actually feeling happy, the activation of the muscles is enough to cause this positive effect. And the beauty of smiling—it’s contagious.
Let’s all get out there and spread some positive energy. What’s good for us, is good for those around us, too!
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