Ha! Looking back at yesterday's posting, only some of it made it to the page, but I think you all got the important point, which was KNOW YOUR CALORIES. And no matter how much the science changes day to day and month to month, I am still a big advocate of calorie counting. One thing I have really come to feel in my own body over the past couple of months is how much food I … [Read more...] about The GBOMBS Revisited
Calorie Control or Did I Really Eat the Whole Thing?
d a business lunch at the Cheesecake Factory and decided to bring home a piece of their infamous cheesecake. He opted for the Reese's Peanut Butter cup cheesecake. Their pieces are big enough for a whole bunch of people to share and that's a very good thing because I looked up the calories and nutritional info and it is mind (and body) blowing. Ready... Calories in … [Read more...] about Calorie Control or Did I Really Eat the Whole Thing?
Good Morning America
"There is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America - there is the United States of America." --President Barack Obama What a great job Americans did making their vote count, in record turnout...except, of course, in Florida where they … [Read more...] about Good Morning America
From the Temptations to Temptation or Tricking the Treats
I guess you can say that Halloween candy is the beginning of 2 months of non-stop craving come-ons. Just thinking about all the sweets, breads and decadent foods (and drink!) that will tempt us from Halloween to New Years is enough to make our thighs spread! Research has proven that leaning into a low-carb diet right now, can help us cut back on the lousy carbs and sweets … [Read more...] about From the Temptations to Temptation or Tricking the Treats
Got Milk?
What do you reach for immediately after your workout, when a quick shot of protein is so important for the muscle repair process? While there are lots of high-quality proteins rich in branched-chain amino acids, most of them are not digested quickly enough. A protein shake is a GREAT way to get that quick shot, but if you are also looking to lose weight you need to control … [Read more...] about Got Milk?