With the loving souls at gogratitude beginning a new "project," tomorrow I decided to just copy and paste this email from them...if you are interested in "joining" the group there is a link here as well as one directly to gogratitude, on my links page. When endless amounts of good energy pool together, there is no limit to the possibilities. Greetings Beloveds ~ … [Read more...] about Blooming Humans
On the peaceful side
Hearts are Everywhere.
This being the last day of February, also makes it the last day of "heart health" month. Inspired by an article I read in the newspaper, I, personally am going to spend the day seeking heart shapes anywhere and everywhere...in the clouds, the flowers, and in ordinary and not so ordinary objects. As an example, as I just glanced to the right of my monitor, I saw two of my … [Read more...] about Hearts are Everywhere.
What Will You Choose?
I am reading a book called When Things Fall Apart. Given to me by a friend who accidentally ordered an extra copy on-line, I had no idea what it was about, beyond what the title suggested. Drawn from traditional Buddhist wisdom, the book offers very simple and basic "heart" advice, for difficult times. Though I have only read 30 some odd pages, it's obvious the main theme of … [Read more...] about What Will You Choose?
Energy, White Lights and Scary Stories
My mind seems to be wrapped around the word ENERGY. Good energy, bad energy, negative energy, positive energy, productive and non-productive energy. Last week I watched an episode of Oprah that dealt with the young boy, Zach, a child born with unusual strength, violent rage and hypersensitivity. If you watched the show, you understand why I am still thinking about it. If … [Read more...] about Energy, White Lights and Scary Stories
There is NO Other Way.
"Peace is always beautiful." Walt Whitman … [Read more...] about There is NO Other Way.