It has been suggested that in order to keep happiness and peace in your heart, you step away from social media, like Facebook, for at least one day a week. I don’t know why ONE day is enough, but I understand fully, the concept of stepping away because…
Generally, the photos people share on the good book, are the happiest times (thankfully). As we scan thru pictures, though we may be so happy to see them, undoubtedly we are sometimes finding ourselves thinking things like “wow she travels everywhere, or he has the nicest car(S), another of their sons just became a doctor, she just got a promotion, they just put a pool in their backyard, so and so just bought another (fill in the ______) etc., etc.
Fact is, no matter how secure we are, getting on social media every day and seeing these events can make a person feel inadequate, for lack of a better word. Even though we realize people don’t post the bad stuff, and we know everyone has their stuff, it still causes emotional conflict. Let’s face it, no one comes on an updates their status with things like “my kids got arrested, my bank keeps calling and I can’t make my mortgage payment, my spouse is out drinking again, my kids never call, my daughter dropped out of school, etc., etc.
Let me get this straight. I am never wishing bad things on anyone, anywhere. Nor do I want people to start posting negative depressing updates. All I am suggesting is that emotionally, we can all use a break from checking in every day, several times a day, like it’s a job. Social media is great and being connected to people we care about, seeing their joy and happiness, it’s all wonderful. It does, however, have a downside and I think it is important we are all aware of it.
I also am certain that the pictures some people create don’t always tell an entire story. Updating status and sharing pictures is just a piece of a big picture. Don’t let what you see and read make you feel any less good about your REAL life story. Also know that by stepping away from social media for one day out of the week has been proven to help boost happiness. I think that is for all the reasons above.
So if you don’t see me blog some days, I am taking a break for me…and for you! Enjoy your day and your weekend.

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