This week has seemed a bit long, yet here it is Friday, and I realize I haven’t posted a single thing on here since last weekend! Sometimes we just need a little time to pause or rest. In fact, in many things in life, it is during the pause or rest that all the positive things happen!
When we meditate, we often talk about all the positive benefits that occur in the pause. The pause between breaths. The pause between thoughts. In those seconds that we find ourselves in the pause, miraculous things are happening in our bodies, minds and souls. NO ONE is bad at meditation. Sure, some of us have a more challenging time sitting still or stopping the monkey chatter that loves to be constantly going on in our heads. It is in the stillness of those very seconds, when we just ARE, that our brains are igniting, our bodies are recharging and our souls are quietly finding answers to questions we may not even know we have. I beg you to NOT avoid meditation because you think it’s not for you. YOU are the very person that will benefit the most! Meditation is for EVERYONE!
As for the fitness side of all of this, same thing. All the magic happens in the rest. Sure, there are all those feel good endorphins that happen while we are doing cardio, but NOTHING pales to that feeling we get when we throw down that last weight, win the match or cross the finish line…