Lots more thoughts about energy. Forceful exertion; the amount of work that can be performed by a force; any source of usable power. Energy. It can be positive, it can be negative, it can be dynamic, vigorous, productive and non-productive. We can absorb it, emit it, make it vigorous, conserve it, use it up and even waste it. Lots and lots of wasted energy. Mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. To me, worrying is a great example of wasted energy. Pushing a wall (that will never move) is obviously another example of wasted energy. Huh?
I often use that “pushing a wall” as an example of how we may be working really hard at something but it doesn’t necessarily mean we are getting a good work. You can put on your sneakers, head to the gym and start pushing a wall. You will probably sweat and use up a lot of energy, but that wall is never going to move. You may even feel the work in your upper body muscles the next day, but certainly that energy could have been used much more productively. Sort of how I feel about those “toning” shoes. Every company makes them now. Sketchers is even being sued over someone claiming to have gotten pelvic fractures from walking in them. I am not so sure how that can happen, but I have been pretty sure since they first arrived on the market, that they are a case of “if something is too good to be true, it probably isn’t.” Sure, they change the way you distribute your weight, engaging different muscles than we are used to using to walk. Of course, the wearer would feel those new muscles working. Doesn’t mean they will make you fit, just means you will engage different (not necessarily better or more) muscle. In one study done at the University of Wisconsin, researchers tested 3 brands of toning shoes and after a dozen 5 minute spins on the treadmill, compared differences in muscle activity in the calves, quads, hamstrings, buttocks, back and abs and they found, well…they found, “squat.” I agree with the good doctors, Oz and Roizen, when they suggest saving the up to $200 for a pair of toning sneakers and instead do squats, lunges and one-legged exercises to increase core strength and improve balance.
On a completely different note, what great energy on the part of the mom’s who make up STOPP–the “oxy moms,” fighting against the horrific situation regarding Florida’s pill-mills. There grass-roots efforts (energy) have put them on the front page of the main section of today’s Sun-Sentinel. My guess is, as they fight for their children, energy will abound until their job is done. That’s energy well spent.
Speaking of children, it was all GREAT ENERGY being with ours this past weekend. 9 of us sitting around that dining room table on Sunday, made for the type of energy that nourishes and fills my soul.
As you go through your day, I hope you will give some thought to how you use YOUR energy. Make it positive and productive. If you are local I hope to share some energy with you tonight at TFC.

I’m grinning from ear to ear right now Bon! The thought of 9 of you sitting around that dining room table on Sunday is all the positive energy I need today!! I can feel the love all the way across the country!
And… the STOPP–the “oxy moms” energy also fills me with hope and happiness. THIS is a problem that NEEDs to be solved! I applaud they’re efforts!!!
Thanks for the GRINS!!!
Did I really write “I applaud they’re efforts!!!”? Yipes!
Well I DO applaud THEIR efforts!
And yours too Bonni !!