This week, it seems that no matter what else I try to focus on or write about, the ripple effect and how we live each day, keeps coming front and forward in my brain! Because some of us seem to always be on the same page, Rita (thank you!) mentioned in comment that she shared the following video (or some version of it) with her college students this week. After watching it this morning, I thought I would share it with all of you. I am having a hard time getting the link to work this morning, but you can view this video at
The Butterfly Effect by Andy Andrews
As you continue to move through this holiday week and weekend, I hope you will consider how each and every action has a reaction. This is not some ethereal supposition, but in fact science that has been accepted as truth since the days of Sir Isaac Newton (1687!) Never, ever think that what you do doesn’t matter or effect the world around you. YOU matter more than you think!
Remember that every day is Earth day. Every day we have a chance to say and do the things we might have missed yesterday. Have a wonderful Saturday. Get in some fitness, a lot of peace and don’t forget the butterflies and ripples. Much love.