There is no doubt we live in a world that is spinning too quickly and sometimes, we too, spin too quickly in an effort to attempt to keep up! That leaves many of us struggling to take the time we need to take care of ourselves and consequently, our health. This morning, with special thanks to, I offer some suggestions for things you can do in just 30 seconds that will significantly help your overall well-being.
1) BREATH. Take just 30 seconds with your hand on your belly, to inhale deeply to feel the belly rise, and exhale fully to feel it sink. 70% of our internal waste is eliminated through our lungs. If you do just ONE thing to improve your physical and mental health, BREATH deeply.
2) REPEAT AN AFFIRMATION (or mantra) OVER AND OVER AGAIN. It can be as simple as “I am relaxed,” or “I am strong,” or “I am in control of my thoughts.” Decide what it is YOU want most and put together a positive affirmation that benefits YOU.
3) STRETCH. Take a 30 second break from everything and just reach for the stars. Who knows, you might get one!
4) SMILE. Seriously speaking, smiling relaxes the many, many muscles in our face and releases pockets of stress and tension that we store there. The big bonus is smiles are contagious. Just try smiling at a stranger, and see if they don’t respond like a mirror! That’s one way of helping yourself and paying it forward, too 🙂
5) DRINK WATER. Here I go again, nag, nag, nag. Our brains are about 75% water and it’s the first place we lose it! We need water to think clearly…and for all the other reasons I nag about on a regular basis.
6) CLOSE YOUR EYES. If you close your eyes and cup your hands around your ears, you can listen to the calming sound of the ocean, just like when you hold a shell to your ear. Just 30 seconds of this will help bring you calm and re-balance yourself.
7) DO NOTHING. Just sit and stare..perhaps out a window if you can find something peaceful or pretty to stare out. Then, just BE. Don’t think…just be.
Take some 30 second breaks TODAY and try some of these grounding, health and peace inducing tips.
WOW!! Bonni, I just love your 30 second ideas. I will definitely put several of them into my daily practice. Thank you!!!
SMILE!!! It IS contagious!! Thanks for mentioning THAT!
I’m smilin’ away right now!!!
I think those 7 suggestions are GREAT!
Thanks for reminding us how little it takes to feel better!!