I have always believed that everything (literally, everything) happens for a reason. Many have disagreed with me and I understand their thinking, but it has never made me question my belief…sure we don’t always know the reason at the time, and sometimes we may never know the reason while other times it smacks us right in the face!
Though I have not been watching American Idol regularly this season, I have watched enough to hear Pia’s incredible voice and see her beauty, as well. She was clearly a favorite, yet this week she was eliminated and everyone was shocked. Immediately, I thought about Jennifer Hudson. I hope Pia did, too. When one door closes another always opens. My guess is Pia is about to walk through a wonderful door. To look and listen to Jennifer now, one can only thing “What were you thinking, America?” The truth is, a different door was opening for her that might have never opened had she been that season’s American Idol. Who was that year’s pick, anyway?
Recently, I was talking with a friend about disappointment. Did we do a good enough job teaching our kids about it? My hope is that somehow I taught my boys that disappointment is only temporary. In fact, most things in life are.
If you have had a disappointment, a set-back, I hope that you will remember this, too, is only temporary. There are so many doors in front of you, just waiting to be opened. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and you can overcome any adversity. Everything happens for a reason.

I am a true believer that “everything happens for a reason.” Yes….many times at that certain moment I wonder WHY something happened. Only later when I look back on that incident, things make so much sense. Thank you, Bonni, for validating that belief that I also share with you. Life has its own plan…….we must “go with the flow” and that can be difficult for some people (especially me!).