Though Biggest Loser was pre-empted by the Olympics last night, I still got my weekly fix of watching some individuals who re-invented themselves and their lives with significant weight loss. Home yesterday morning, I caught the Dr. Oz show and he was celebrating his 100th episode. On with him were 100 individuals who have lost over 100 pounds. They did not lose their weight through an extreme process as the Biggest Loser contestants do. They did not lose their weight via gastric bypass or lap band surgery. They did not take diet pills, have their jaws wired shut or undergo hypnosis. All the people in the Dr. Oz “100 Challenge,” lost their incredible amounts of weight through–get this–good old fashion diet and exercise!
Several of the participants went into the good doctor’s “truth tube,” where they compared their pre-weight loss, critical numbers, to their current numbers. Weight, waist measurements, blood pressure and cholesterol were all significantly lower and of course, they looked incredible. In fact, one young woman who had felt like she reached the point of no return when she weighed 300+ pounds, showed up in a black strapless dress, looking like an absolute knock-out. Once a hater of exercise, she is now a personal trainer, helping others find some sort of exercise they can enjoy. I, like her, believe there is SOME sort of physical activity for everyone.
Some of the contestants were asked to share a couple of tricks or tips that helped them reach their weight loss goals. One said she prepares all her food on Sundays. Not only does she prepare lunches for the week, but also divides healthy snacks into 5 individual servings making it easy for her through the work week. One woman said her secret weapon is a kitchen timer. When she gets a hunger pang, she sets the timer for 15 minutes. If she is still hungry when it goes off, she has a nutritious snack. Often times, she admits, the pang simply passes. That was something I hadn’t heard before. One man said that he does enjoy and occasional sweet and instead of denying himself the treat, he takes a brisk 10 minute walk immediately after. One woman, who was a mere shadow of her previous self, said that her trick was taking 30 minutes a day for herself to rest, meditate and offer herself positive affirmations and positive energy. You could actually SEE the positivity radiating from within her. Though everyone had different tricks and tips, what they had in common was practicing these things ritualistically. That reaffirms what I have always felt…there is no ONE way, there are MANY ways to reach the same goal but patience and persistence are always key.
And who should appear on the show, but tried and true Richard Simmons. I love that wacky guy. I first met him on General Hospital sooooo many years ago. He was wacky then and he has been patient and persistent in his own weight management (been 40 years since he was 100 pounds overweight for the last time) and patient and persistent in helping thousands and thousands of people lose weight successfully and with a smile on their faces. His approach to fitness is simple…don’t take it so seriously, just move! My mom and I took a class with him when one of his gyms was opened in Tamarac back in the 80s. It was a BLAST. His energy is contagious. I am pretty sure he was wearing the same shorts then as he was yesterday! He mentioned that he always knew he wanted to help others and thought about becoming a priest but then he couldn’t wear all the glitter, sparkles and short shorts…I think there is no question that he found his calling.
Dr Oz, Richard Simmons and I all have the same desire in common. We just want to help people be successful at getting HEALTHY.
I wish you a HEALTHY day.
I totally adore Dr. Oz! I usually watch his show with a notepad so I can jot down his great ideas and suggestions. Unfortunately, I was working and I was unable to view that show. He makes so much sense and I just love the way he explains medical concerns in such simple ways. I also love Richard Simmons. He is a scream and I love the fact that he wants people to just “move.” He is definitely a blast from the past.
Again, thanks Bonni for a fantastic fusion class. You are certainly keeping us in shape (and young at heart). I love it!