Next 21-day, free, online meditation with Deepak Chopra begins on Monday the 13th. To register, just go to
An email will be sent to you each morning so it’s easy to remember to do your daily meditation. Equally as great for beginners, or those that have been meditating forever.
Meditation is for EVERYONE! Mitch and I have committed to getting up earlier for the next 3 weeks so we don’t feel rushed. If you feel that you don’t have enough time, you need it even more!
“Sitting,” always helps with focus and the ability to prioritize what is most important, so the investment of just 15 or 20 minutes a day, just might help you squeeze more time out of your busy day. Let’s face it. If you are working, caring for family members, getting in your daily dose of fitness, taking time to eat healthfully and mindfully and contributing to your community there isn’t a whole lot of time left. Meditation has definitely helped me fine tune what I want to use my “extra” (is there such a thing??) time for. Asking myself the simple question “What makes me happy?” on a daily basis and then, just letting the images and answers come to me, has helped me more than I can put into words.
But…this isn’t about me…it’s about YOU. If you are looking for ways to lower your stress and worry levels, if you are looking for a mini-vacation for your body and your mind, if you need to lower your blood pressure, lower your resting heart-rate, improve your immune system, (ok…I could go on endlessly because the benefits are endless) give it a try.
Hoping the link below opens for you–I don’t seem to be getting audio but hoping that’s just me………..Namaste!
Reader Interactions
Thanks for the meditation info. I just registered. Glad you posted it so I remembered! Namaste
Thanks for the meditation info. I just registered. Glad you posted it so I remembered! Namaste