Front page local news headline story: Yoga Lessons Help Autistic Student. Of course it does, yoga will help every student, every employee, every ONE! Now taught at 25 schools in Broward County, yoga is teaching children (and the world) HOW to relax. This word HOW, really popped out at me. It’s not enough to teach people they have to relax, I realize they need to learn HOW to. Take a few minutes to just relax on a mat and breathe. Imagine the mat is cloud, totally supporting you and allowing you to just float. Yoga does NOT have to be twisting into pretzel shapes and standing on one’s head (though those are great, too!). Yoga, to me, is a state of mind, a way of life, not just a form of exercise. Thankfully, the amount of people taking yoga is climbing and the amount of people that want to start is also climbing. Live local, come on out to Tamarac Fitness Center tonight at 7. Be my guest for some breathing, floating and unwinding from the cares of your day. Just tell Ron or Wendie, I sent you. Wherever you are, near of far, yoga options abound! Do yourself and your loved ones a favor and give it a try. You just might find yourself healthier, happier and more at peace. Touted as a therapy for an assortment of illnesses including cancer, diabetes, asthma, heart disease, hypertension, anxiety, depression, sexual problems (do I really need to go on?) there really isn’t a soul who wouldn’t benefit from a little OM time. Still not convinced? Want to learn more? Read Charlene’s article on my articles page. If you have a special needs child go to and learn more about the the program going on in Broward county, Florida.
A special thanks to the 35 or so people that came out to TFC for SilverSneakers classes yesterday. You are awesome and I am certain we can have a wonderful program, together!
Have a wonderful Tuesday. Biggest Loser will end tonight with our final four. Hoping both sisters make it through. Big things in store for Jillian Michaels, who I learned will be joining some other TV shows soon…But for now, let’s stay in the present. It’s a gift.
Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.
B.K.S. Iyengar
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