“There is not a liberal America and a conservative America – there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and Latino America and Asian America – there is the United States of America.”
–President Barack Obama
What a great job Americans did making their vote count, in record turnout…except, of course, in Florida where they were still voting even after the President was re-elected. Better too many people voting, than apathy. Thankfully, this time around we didn’t need Florida’s votes for a win to be declared but still…There were many great wins across the country, including making recreational marijuana legal in Colorado and the state of Washington. In the end, however, we basically have what we had. Some may call it a divided country, I like to think of it as checks and balances, which is important. Perhaps all energy can now be put into the northeast, where there are so many people without power, without homes and without vital necessities to continue to thrive.
As I return to blogging about health and fitness, last night while watching the returns in bed, my left thigh and calf began to cramp, probably from the combination of a couple of hours of exercise and all the excitement. It was bad. I had to wake Mitch to help me massage it and then I remembered a weird treatment that I had never tried, but was willing to try almost anything. When I asked Mitch to get me a couple of ounces of pickle juice, I am sure he thought I had lost my mind. It wasn’t that easy to drink at 1 in the morning, but I was desperate. Within a minute my leg was feeling as good as new. I am sure there are other things that work as well, but the sodium and potassium in the pickle juice seems to have been the perfect combo! Love when my medicine comes from the kitchen instead of the medicine chest.
U.S.A. all the way!!