Good morning and happy Monday. Hard to believe the year is half over!!! How did you do with goals and resolutions that you made back in January? We can look at tomorrow as the point of re-evaluation and making new goals, etc. I am continuing with my summer fitness goal of swimming 1000 laps (I am up to 350) and running 6-7 miles a week. And then there is the ab challenge..

I am all about setting goals and pretty good at keeping them. I intend on finishing the ab challenge which up until yesterday, I had been right on point with. This weekend I sort of hit a wall and my body said NO NO NO. So I listened and spent the day on the couch watching TV and napping. No ab challenge for me. Instead I watched a lot of Criminal Minds episodes (hey, when life gives you lemons you definitely make lemonade aka Criminal Minds all day!) and re-watched the special on PBS, Happy. It was just as good, if not better, the second time around. Wow, in Denmark education is payed for thru college for every citizen and health care is free forever. What fabulous concepts…I love my country but why do both those SO IMPORTANT things have to cost a fortune?? I don’t get it… If you do, please feel free to help me understand.
I am committed to finishing the ab challenge by Wednesday, so I am only off a day or two. Since I taught already this morning, I did do some crunches and sit-ups, so today I am going to add those into the grand total and leisurely break the rest of the workout into very small, manageable segments. Tomorrow is a long work day for me, so I may (or may not) pass on the final day, and if I pass, I will complete the challenge on Wednesday. While I honestly thought it was NOT the best of challenges, I feel good that I was able to do each and every rep (except the one day I did NOT do plank). Next time, however, I will think twice before committing to something that I don’t see huge value in. I will, however, continue to do sit-ups more regularly.

Congrats to Peter who successfully organized and followed through on his first record swap, yesterday. Mitch and I definitely planned to check it out, until I ended up on the couch. Glad to read it went well and the next one is already being planned. It’s such an awesome concept to swap things instead of discarding them. Remember, when you throw things out, unfortunately, they don’t magically disappear. The more we discard, the bigger those garbage dumps get….And everyone loves music!
Happy birthday (this past Saturday) to Carole in Cali and Ted in NY, and today, to Jeff, right here in South Florida. Many, many more to all of you. Much love….