“I consider it a simple truth that this body of ours is meant for a happy life. A happy mind is a healthy mind, and a healthy mind is good for the body.”
More wisdom for the Dalia Lama…the quote for this weekend.
Happiness is really everything. It’s all any of us want for ourselves, for our loved ones, for our animals, for the universe at large. Happiness isn’t something we are born with, and it’s definitely not something someone else can give us. We make our own happiness with each choice, each decision, even with each thought we allow (or don’t allow) ourselves to focus on. Of course sad things happen and it’s appropriate to feel sorrow over them, but I think that doesn’t preclude happiness, honestly. Sorrow is situational, but a grateful heart will still sing. At least this is my view.

I am celebrating summer and all Mother Nature gifts us at this time. As part of that celebration, I broke the ab challenge down into sets of 10 this morning. 10 sit ups, 10 crunches, 10 leg raises, and did circuits until each group was done. Since it was 95/140/55 and 85 seconds in plank, I was obviously left with some crunches after the other exercises were done, so I just finished those off as I find them so easy compared to the sit ups. I did push-ups instead of holding plank today. I did 3 sets of 10 and called day 22 of the challenge complete. Hey, it’s Sunday! Treat yourself to choices that make YOU happy.
As the Dalia Lama says…Happy mind = healthy mind = good for the body!