Last night’s vegan feast centered around the celebration of Chanukah. 8 young adults of several different religious backgrounds, some who believe one way, others another and still others who are non-believers, sat around feasting and sharing in a yearly celebration combined with a weekly tradition. We did broaden the menu horizon to accommodate all and served a lot of food, but the meal focused, of course, around the potato pancake or latke. We made two big batches of these, one from a traditional recipe that calls for eggs and a second, veganized, which in this case just meant deleting the eggs entirely. For the record, Mitch thought the veganized ones tasted better!
We (actually Chachi) tried reading a bit from the Jewish Book of Why, but we laughed more than we read. A few (thank you Chachi and Pete) brought decadent (and beautiful) desserts, which I did taste, while keeping in the back of my mind those 7-10 pounds I refuse to put on during the holidays! Weighing in each and every morning does keep me honest and on task, especially this time of year.
We were thrilled to have Kyle’s girlfriend, Nicole as our special guest at the table last night. She brought with her, from Tampa, some of the most beautifully decorated Christmas cookies I have ever seen. The time, energy and love that she put into these works of art make them even more delicious than they already are. Today Kyle and Nicole will leave to spend the Christmas holidays with Nicole’s family. We are happy for them to be able to share both of their holidays and traditions with one another.
I have never been a religious person (ever). I have ALWAYS, however, been a very spiritual person and a person who believes in traditions and celebrations for they keep us connected to our history and our loved ones. I just finished the new Mitch Albom book, Have a Little Faith. I highly recommend this true story, which is a quick read and simply written, but packs a big punch in terms of the message. “What if our beliefs were not what divided us, but what pulled us together?”
When I built this website, the peace had to go with the fitness, for they are dependent upon one another. The ancient Greeks are noted for the quote “a sound mind in a sound body”. How wise they were. We must all nurture our spiritual side and find peace and happiness in order to be healthy and strong in body and mind. If we can ever have peace in our universe, we must learn to honor and respect one another’s beliefs, however different they may be than our own. In the end, we all really want the same things.
During these especially trying times, continue to take care of your body, your mind and your spirit and aways remember to “have a little faith”.
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Excellent Article!
If I could write like this I would be well chuffed 😉
The more I read articles of such quality as this (which is rare), the more I think there might be a future for the Web. Keep it up, as it were.