In my ongoing love/hate relationship with Dr. Oz, I will save the hate for another time because there is still a lot to love. Via his Transformation Nation Challenge, he has learned and is passing on to the public, at least as much as he has taught. With 1.2 million people participating in the transformation, he is not only helping them to achieve a healthy weight and healthy body (and mind) but also gathering a lot of really important data through their transformations. Last night on the news we were alerted to the fact that the obesity rate in America is now at 34%, a whopping 1/3 of us. 11% are severely overweight (over 100 pounds over!) and if things continue at the rate they are going, by 2030 it is estimated that 42% of the population will be overweight. Thank you, Dr. Oz and your team for the 1.2 million participating in your challenge and the many millions that can learn from them. Perhaps this alone can impact those rising numbers. This morning on The Today Show, Dr. Oz shared part of what he learned from the 1.2 million. He calls the following list the Habits of the Healthiest according to what is working from those that are losing the most weight and regaining their health. These are the most successful losers all have in common.
1) They all eat breakfast.
2) They all exercise regularly.
3) They all report having a satisfying sex life.
4) The all take “ME” time.
5) They all practice stress management.
I think if you practice steps 2, 3 and 4, then step 5 is already taken care of. Congratulations to all that are in the midst of this challenge, and a special congrats to the 10 finalists. One of you is getting a lot closer to not only wealthy health, but also financial wealth as well! Nice bonus.
Several of you have asked if I am back in the pool and I finally am. Once again setting the goal of 100 laps a week, I have 40 completed so far this week. It feels awesome to be back in the water. Talk about combining exercise, me time and stress reduction! It’s hard NOT to get inside oneself under water with ear plugs and goggles! Also want to share a really easy, healthy, tasty, metabolism booster that I have been indulging in the past week or so….a mini virgin mary before breakfast. Just a few ounces of tomato juice, fresh squeezed lime juice, a few dashes of tobassco sauce and a spoonful of horseradish, mixed well. Spices always help rev the metabolism and this type of booster works much better for my soul than something that comes in a pill. Having no idea if it works for me or not, I am totally enjoying the morning ritual and there are no potentially bad side effects, like back in the days I took Diet Fuel. Finally I wanted to announce the start of, a new website about many different aspects of life on a plant-based diet. I was pretty excited to get that news this morning and have already taken a peak and look forward to spending some more time reading the articles. I hope you will take some time to do the same. Not too much time, though. Sitting on our butts too much is surely one of the biggest reasons our obesity rate is still on the rise.
Before I sign off, a big congrats to my co-worker, Ellen, who is down 18 pounds thanks to Weight Watchers. Congrats, also, to LeeAnn in Jensen Beach, who is not only down a lot of pounds, also on the WW plan, but has committed to and started a 5 week boot camp program. Yes, LeeAnn, you are definitely going to wear 50 well!!! We all love to hear success stories, so keep em coming everyone. Thanks for stopping in and make it a terrific Tuesday.

Excellent post. I want to thank you for this informative read. I really appreciate sharing this great post. Keep up your work.
I’ve been studying the topic of wehgit loss for about 10 years now (I’m a personal trainer for a living) so I think I can shed some light on the topic. HOW TO LOSE FAT1) Cut out carbs in the evenings (eat low glycemic carb sources in the day).2) Choose the exercises that burn the most calories (NOT sit ups and curls). Squats, Lunges, Pull Ups etc. are great examples.3) Use the software and meal plans from FatLossCustomized. com4) Perform high intensity interval training.