I have often mentioned that I am definitely NOT a perfectionist! This you already know from reading my blog. Yesterday’s subject title was meant to be “Adopt Happiness,” but in my imperfectionist way, it ended up being “Adpopt Happiness.” So go ahead and feel free to adopt some even as you are ad-popting! I say worrying about perfection holds us back from doing and being so many things.
There are so many people, that may never be perfect but they are none-the-less unsung heroe and awesome persons. All around us there are people that we should spend our time celebrating instead of focusing on the “un-sung.” It’s just another way to see the half-full glass! I love that our very own local Sun-Sentinel commentary writer has begun a column called “The Unsung.” These are people that make our South Florida a better place, like Ricky Holloway who has worked tirelessly and mostly unheralded (until today!!!) at Jaxson’s Ice Cream Parlor in Dania Beach for the past 39 years. I am also excited to see that Kyle’s brain is on the same page as he and his friend Courtney launched their version of the half-full glass with a simple gesture at www.reallyawesomepeople.com
Just as peace begets peace and gratitude begets gratitude, seeing the awesome and the positive begets positivity. Wishing you all peace, gratitude and a whole lot of awesome on this beautiful Sunday morning.
Carolanne says
Love the picture of the puppy. That comment reminds me of the Jimmy Dean commercials with the Sun and Planets. Mars says “I feel Awesome” and Sun replies “You’re ALL AWESOME” That commercial always make me smile. Oh … and by the way, I feel awesome today as I did yesterday and the day before and as I will undoubtedly feel tomorrow. Thanks for being a part of my days and helping to make them AWESOME !
Rita says
Carol………you are totally awesome!!!! You make me smile!! 🙂