Today seems to be as good a day as any to introduce you to the little soup kitchen that could. I have already mentioned that my friend Richard became involved in this particular soup kitchen, in Ft. Lauderdale, quite a while ago. Since, his wife, kids and grandchildren have also become involved. From making sandwiches, to serving meals, the littlest ones have embraced sharing and caring, with 4 year old Nate passing out food on Thanksgiving morning, while his older brother Sam swept and cleaned. The entire family continues to become more and more committed to this cause and just this past Sunday, as the kitchen celebrated their 20 year anniversary, Richard was honored for all his help. While he got involved in a roundabout way, he has received so more from helping than he gives…and he gives PLENTY. Isn’t it always the case that we get more than we give, when we give?
The kitchen feeds up to 150 people a day, 7 days a week. Though they are affiliated with a church, they welcome all faiths, as well as those with no faith. If you are hungry, they will feed you. They open their doors to the hungry at 2 to provide a roof and refreshments and at 3 a full meal is served. They also provide clean clothes and medicine as well as help families to move off the streets, sometimes helping with furnishings or a month’s rent.
In lieu of purchasing holiday presents for one another, Lesley and I have “adopted” some children to buy new clothes for and we are off to do just that this morning. We are excited to power shop and know that this year our gifts will really make a difference. Sadly, we are asked not to buy toys as these children are too needy. What good is a toy when you have no shoes on your feet, and your belly is hungry? While Lesley and Richard have showered me with some incredibly decadent and special gifts over the past 11 years, I am most excited about this year. I feel incredibly lucky to have MORE than enough.
How many times a day do we say “I am hungry?” Do we REALLY know what hunger feels like? I think the majority of us DO NOT. We should all be so thankful for just that. In our country 1 out of 5 children are hungry right this moment. That just isn’t right.
Since traditionally, this time of year brings out the best in all of us, the kitchen is least needy at this time. In March, Lesley and Richard will be hosting a major fund-raising event to help raise money to renovate the kitchen, which is in MUCH need! I will be doing my own pre-fund-raiser, because I know that the people in my life, especially my gym people, have huge hearts and want to help. I will keep you posted. Thanks for stopping in and thanks for caring. Much love.