Thanks to a gift from Rita, I have been revisiting the 21 day meditation challenge I did this summer. Today was day 12 and it was and is one of my favorites. The centering thought is “I use my energy to heal and transform.” We all give off all kinds of energy and that is a big responsibility. How we project ourselves is felt by all those that we connect with and can create an incredible rippling effect. Chopra explains that when “we come from compassion, peace and unity, we become a powerful force for good and open the door to deep and rich relationships.”
I was intrigued with how he explains the effect of energy on water as studied by Japanese scholar, author and entrepreneur, Dr. Masaru Emoto. His findings showed that when water was exposed to loving, caring, compassionate thoughts, beautiful crystals formed. Conversely, when the water was exposed to negative, ugly and hateful thoughts, fragmented, chaotic crystals formed. Since our bodies are about 60% water and our brains are about 70% water, we can easily imagine how our thoughts and words can greatly impact others as well as our own bodies and minds.
Sure, there are always going to be times in our lives when we are agitated or edgy. My guess is, it would probably benefit us, take some deep breaths and choose to send out the kind of energy that not only makes beautiful crystals but helps heal and transform those around us. What we put out is definitely what we get back.