I thought blogging would be put aside for a few weeks, but today I have a favor to ask and info to share and Mitch and I already did our day 2 meditation so….
1) My student Charlotte, from SilverSneakers class, is in the running for an recognition given yearly. Along with the rest of the class, we nominated her for all she brings to us each day, and all she has given to the world in her 95 years (though she likes to flip those numbers and call herself 59 right now). Yesterday, I found out that Facebook voters will decide who wins, so please, please, if you are on Facebook can you go to the SilverSneakers page, like it, and then scroll down to the entry about the Swanson Award, and click the box to vote for her. We are allowed to vote every day, until the last day of August, so I warn you that I will be reminding you daily. It’s not for me…it’s all for her! If you follow my blog you have already read about what an inspiration this woman is. If you are in class, you know by being with her. This morning she is in third place so let’s see what we can do to move her to, and keep her in, the numero uno spot!
2) I am organizing a CPR/AED certification at Tamarac Fitness Center on Thursday September 18 at 11. If you are an instructor in need of renewal, of in need of CPR or renewal for any job, this is the one you need and will get your card a few days after, by mail. If you have never taken CPR, why not come out and join us. The life you save will probably be a loved one, as that’s how the stats roll. Let me know if you are interested and/or if you need directions. Nicole Goldstein will be our instructor.