I have always stood in admiration of people who work full-time jobs and still drag their butts to get their workouts in regularly. It shouldn’t be so hard, and we owe it to ourselves to place our health at the top of our priority list, but often that, for any number of legit reasons, just doesn’t happen.
If you, or someone you know is struggling with this dilemma, why not try or suggest the 15 minute commitment? Not everyone can shave an hour or more out of their day, but EVERYONE can shave 15 minutes! Commit to doing some form of physical activity for a solid 15 minutes every day…and while you are in those 15 minutes, give it all you’ve got!
This weekend we will spring forward with the clocks freeing up some after work time. The following weekend we will welcome SPRING. This is the time.
We have talked about this before, and the real bonus is that most days you set out for a 15 minute workout, you will end up doing more….because in the end it really ISN’T about having enough time, it’s about making it.