This past Sunday I posted a comic of a male lion entering his home and saying to the female lion “it’s a city out there.” (For those that didn’t see it, or didn’t get it, it was a spoof on humans saying “it’s a jungle out there.” ) It was all about perspective, and perspective IS everything…so this morning it rubbed me the wrong way when television reporters did a story on a fire that occurred at a strip mall in Miami during the night. The reporter said “thankfully no one was injured…” and then went on to say “30 dogs died from smoke inhalation.” I am sure it’s just semantics, but couldn’t he have said something like “while no humans were involved in the incident, sadly 30 dogs died….” I am picking, but we all need to be sensitive to others perspectives. For those 30 dogs it was a really, really bad night as they must have been very scared, especially being in cages as it was a pet store. In my opinion, pet and store shouldn’t even really exist in the same sentence, but that’s just me. There are just way too many animals that need to be adopted…
And another news story has me thinking about perspective, and what I write in this paragraph is definitely going to offend some people, so I apologize in advance, but please know that it’s not my intention to offend, just make us all think. I totally, totally understand how upset people are that horse meat is showing up where only beef should be…I just wonder how those people would feel if we grew up riding cows, or keeping them as pets. There are countries, by the way, where eating horse meat is not weird. It’s all about perspective.
As we go through our day, remember that perspective is everything. Also hoping you will consider a meatless (if you don’t eat beef, you won’t have to worry about the horse thing) meal or 2 or 3. It will do as much good for your soul as it will for your body!