Wherever you are, whatever you might be multitasking with, I encourage you to:
Take a deep breath in through your nose and fill your chest and belly. Open your mouth a little and exhale slowly and fully. Relax your shoulders. Relax your chest. Relax your jaw. Relax your brain. Let thoughts float out of your head and into oblivion.
Any time I have ever had a tech problem, my totally tech savy son asks me if I have tried unplugging and restarting (computer, phone, etc) to see if that can resolve the issue. It’s truly amazing how often that simple act of unplugging and rebooting, works.
Same goes for us. You are now officially unplugged and rebooted.
Carry on.
Reader Interactions
Lisa Pitzasays
Thanks for the wise words and happy Friday!
It’s amazing what I’ve accomplished in 25 minutes.😁🥰
Lisa Pitza says
Thanks for the wise words and happy Friday!
It’s amazing what I’ve accomplished in 25 minutes.😁🥰
Arl says
LOVE the analogy! It works!!