Looking for a quick, fun, immediate sense of stress reduction? Let the music move you. A study in Nature Neuroscience found that listening to our favorite songs or even simply anticipating certain parts of a song can cause a pleasurable flood of that feel good chemical, dopamine. Pick a few of your favorites and listen to them a few times a day. “These doses of dopamine can lower your stress, removing the trigger that cause you to seek alcohol.” says Edward Roth, M.T.B.C, a professor of music therapy at Western Michigan University.
Another great way to use music as a pick me up is to start with a song that matches your mood and then pick one a little more upbeat and finish move on to the totally feel good and happy selections. The change in the mood of the tunes, will transfer to your moods and the next thing you know, you are whistling a happy tune.
Well beyond stress reduction, music has so many great benefits. Self-medicate with music. It requires no doctor’s prescription and has no negative side effects. Hope this Saturday finds you singing a happy song.
Related articles
- Music Therapy For Reducing Pain and Anxiety (deretornoacasa.wordpress.com)
- How Music Affects Us and Why Music Therapy Promotes Health (thepantherlabmusic.wordpress.com)
Pictures from the fundraiser are up at jjrphotography.com Click the link to the soup kitchen and then to the fundraiser. There are stills and candids as well. All proceeds from sales of the photos will be donated back to the soup kitchen. Thanks Jeff, Jon and of course Debs and Nicole. Much love.

OMG, Bonni. You are so right!!! I even listen to music just before I go to sleep to relax my body and get into the zone. Music therapy IS a way to self-medicate and it works!!!