During this holiday time, I have been giving a lot of attention, both personally and teaching classes, to “opening the heart.” We often think of our heart as a vessel to pump blood, and in terms of the mechanics of our bodies, that is obviously true. But what about everything else the heart has to handle. Our hearts our also storage units for the truly countless emotional experiences in our lives. We remember them in our brains, but we feel them in our hearts. It would benefit us all to take time each day to just focus on our breathing. Why not multitask and think about opening our hearts with each inhalation and letting each exhalation discard our hearts of some of the negativity and hurt we store there? Our hearts need to be open in order to let energy flow freely. Gone are the days of thinking we can possibly disconnect our bodies from our minds. Today, we know everything is connected. Without a healthy spirit in our hearts, I believe it’s impossible to really experience wellness.
No word from Ellyn today, so I am assuming no news means everything is status quo with her mom. One day at a time. One hour at a time. One minute at a time. Check back regularly as I am sure she will keep me posted on any changes and the inevitable arrangements. Today is her day off, but you are all welcome to come out to my 11:30 SS class. I will not turn anyone away, despite class size, during this time. With this being a holiday week, the classes are a bit smaller than usual anyway, though I am thinking many will come back today, needing to burn off some of that brisket…Tomorrow I will be teaching for Ellyn at 10, so however you do it, make sure to get a couple of good workouts in this week. At this point I have no idea what next week holds, so check in daily for updates.
Make it a great day and remember to take care of that heart of yours. Think of how empty the tin man was without one…though “Oz never did give nothing to the tin man, that he didn’t already have.”