While I got to watch about half of the Extreme Makeover Weight Loss show, I watched on the DVR and the second half did not get recorded as the show aired late (after the President spoke). The overall theme of this show, does seem to be setbacks, especially once the trainer, Chris Powell, leaves their homes. Sure, just like the rest of the world, most of us definitely know HOW to lose the weight, it’s the DOING it that’s so challenging. Often when we make changes of any kind, they are easy in the beginning. It’s once the novelty wears off, and it’s just part of our daily grind, that things get so difficult and, well…DAILY. Thanks, Carol, for filling me in on the rest of the show. Even with all the setbacks, 180 pounds were lost in a year, proving that how we handle setbacks defines who we are and how we live our lives. Living in fear and hence “holding on for dear life,” denies of us reaching our goals.
One of my friends recently filled me in on her new 2 day rule. When life throws her a curve ball, she has decided that 2 days is the maximum amount of time she will allow herself to feel badly about it. Then it’s time to pick up, off and move forward. I love the 2 day rule, I think it is a very realistic approach and think it can certainly be applied to many situations in life. Beyond 2 days, we are probably “holding on” instead of “letting go.” Letting go need to be a priority for us to keep growing.
“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”
~Lao Tzu~