I sat down to write about a few things and then decided, instead, to pull an oracle card. 2 popped out and 1 of them spoke so directly to myself, and I wasn’t sure if the one that came out with it, was for YOU. I reshuffled and kept all my attention off of myself and the same card (that I wasn’t sure was for YOU) came out, again. So here it is along with the message that comes with it. I copy the message exactly as it is written. It is entirely up to you, to interpret it however you like.
My will to thy will. Micromanaging the Universe
When we rely only on our own will, we’re micromanaging the Universe and resisting the natural flow of life. We’re not trusting the mysterious breath of life. We’re rejecting the great cosmic intelligence and relying instead on our personal strength. When we do this, we find ourselves attempting to bend things to our will. We spend our time forcing, pushing and living from a space of “trying to.” Everyone around us can feel it and the Universe can, too.
You’re being called to stop micromanaging the Universe and trust the breath of life. To surrender to the greatest will that God has for you. To move from “my will to thy will.”
When you surrender to the greater will of life, you being dancing with the rest of life. When you bow to the great mystery and say “Please use me, please show me the way, little by little you find yourself living your most fulfilling life. When you surrender to the greater will-you will find yourself being led. You begin breathing the breath of life.
Thank you for stopping in. Consider that sometimes these messages don’t resonate right away. Keep it in mind as you go through your day. Perhaps trying to keep all and everyone’s ducks in order isn’t all it’s quacked up to be! (Sorry, I was led to that)