Gas prices are on the way down (at least for now) — home sales are on the rise (and prices are edging up even if just a little bit) — unemployment in Broward County, down — reports say there are thousands more jobs for those graduating college this month, as opposed to last year’s college graduating class and average salaries for those college grads are up from last year, too — and as if a positive turn for our economy isn’t enough to celebrate, our Miami Heat won their series against the Pacers, moving onto the Eastern Conference Championship. There is much to celebrate this holiday weekend, but let us all remember, regardless of what our political opinions are, regardless of how we feel about war, and peace…that Memorial Day weekend, isn’t JUST a few days off from work and school. Memorial Day (some still call it Decoration Day) is all about honoring those fallen soldiers that have fought for our luxury of PEACE and let us all remember them and their families as we continue to meditate on love and gratitude.