Having a problem with weigh loss, or even worse, weight maintenance? Once and for always, lose the word DIET. Replace it with LIFESTYLE. If you struggle with your weight, as most of us do, you have got to get it thru your head that your lifestyle has to change. Period. While others may be able to eat dessert and maintain their desired weight, that is not YOU. I remember Oprah having this dispute with Bob Greene. She went on and on about how others could eat this or drink that and his reply was short and to the point…” They can, YOU can’t.” It’s true what they say…”Life isn’t always fair.”
When faced with a moment of weakness, stop asking yourself “Do I want the cookie or not?” You will always give in to the temptation. Start asking questions like “Do I want the cookie or do I want to fit back into my jeans? or Do I want the cookie or do I want to wear a bathing suit on the beach over spring break?” Stop giving into your need for immediate gratification and realize that the brass ring comes with LIFESTYLE CHANGES not a DIET. Think about it this way…if a diet is something you go on, then you also go off of it. That is a recipe for failure. Not a one of us wants that, so let’s get busy making those lifestyle changes that can last a lifetime.
Reader Interactions
This blog describes me exactly – and I LOVE the cartoon! Delete Cookies ? – NOOOOO !
Thanks for the LOL this morning (and the good advice – as always)
Carolanne says
This blog describes me exactly – and I LOVE the cartoon! Delete Cookies ? – NOOOOO !
Thanks for the LOL this morning (and the good advice – as always)