Hoping you all had a wonderful holiday weekend and it wasn’t too difficult returning to reality, today. We had some quality beach time, our first 4th of July in 14 years without the bigredguy trying to find a place to hide, good food (lots of mangoes) and much rest and relaxation. It was nice to see our kids celebrating the holiday with their other families out west and out in western Florida, where Nicole went for her final dress fitting with her parents. Emotions are running high for all of us as the big day is now less than 4 weeks away!!!!
I did want to share the simple mango salsa/salad I made this weekend. With mangoes in abundance this is the time to make this.

1 mango cut and diced into cubes
2 ears of cooked corn (ours were grilled and leftover from the night before) You could use a can of corn if you had to
1 can black beans rinsed and drained
juice of a lime (or 2)
chopped cilantro
Mix all ingredients and refrigerate.
Delicious as a side dish, or on chips– or good all by itself!
Great to bring to a picnic as it has no dairy to worry about spoiling 🙂
Our home land phone line was out for the holiday weekend and then some. There were some really nice aspects of that. Today AT&T came out to fix it, so our internet was off for a good part of the day. No landline, no internet. Still between Mitch and I that left 3 cell phones and a landline in Mitch’s office. It’s really kind of crazy when you think about it. I know that we never want to go backwards in life. Technology has in many ways plunged us forward and I can appreciate that, but I admit to often wishing we were all a little less plugged in. We have our main house phone working again, and are back on line, but of all the things I saw as I caught back up on what I “missed” I loved this and had to share. Thanks, Andrew. And thanks to all that make me forget to look at my phone. You are all way more important. I will try to be the kind of person that makes you forget to look at yours……….Namaste