“Eat your carrots–they are good for your eyes.”
Why it’s true: Carrots help maintain healthy eyesight by protecting night vision and reducing the severity of age-related eye diseases. This is because they are high in vitamin A. Other vegetables high in this vitamin are broccoli, spinach and any of the deep greens.
Though I don’t eat meat, I admit it I never used to like my veggies. The more I experiment with them, the more I have learned to LOVE them. I enjoy them much more grilled or baked then steamed or raw. Baking up an assortment of vegetables is one of my favorite ways to prepare them, now. So is grilling them (simply, on trays) on the barbeque. Keep trying them different ways and learn to love them, too, for they will love you right back! Low in calories, high in anti-oxidants, vitamins and nutrients, it’s a love affair worth working on!
For those of you who have asked about SilverSneakers in Tamarac: please call Tamarac Fitness Center at 954-726-1070. Ask for Ron (tell him Bonni told you to call) and tell him you are interested in finding out when the classes will be beginning. (Should be very soon!)
In response to several emails …For those of you who have inquired about a good ab workout, I have 2 things to say. 1) Ab-ripper x (from the p90x video program) 16 minutes of all you need to sculpt your core. 2) GOOD ABS ARE MADE IN THE KITCHEN–watch your calories, your carbs, your fats and make sure you are getting enough protein. You can crunch all day long, but if your body fat is too high, you will never SEE your 6-pack!
Last night was another lovely TGIT feast night with the kids. Tofu scrambles are ALWAYS a hit. Pete, John and Cassie, you were missed!
Have a great Friday everyone. I am off to an early morning of work and will then be on a mini vacation until mid-day Monday. Thanks for all the good wishes. If you are local and looking for a little yoga this weekend, here is a fund-raiser I learned about in Oakland Park.
Sunday February 28th.. It doesn’t make any difference if you are a yoga enthusiast or just want to try yoga for the first time, there will be sample classes and a place for everyone. YOUR COST IS YOUR DONATION and it is deductible.
Sunday, Feb 28, 2010
Time: 2:30PM to 4:00 PM
Where: Broward Dance Academy
840 E. Oakland Park Blvd.
Oakland Park FL
(954) 537-3377
Have a fabulous mini vacation with Carole. Enjoy, indulge, relax, be care-free!!! You deserve every nano-second!!
Enjoy your weekend with Carole. I’ll miss you tomorrow 🙁
Good post, I can’t say that I agree with everything that was said, but very good information overall:)
Awesome! That’s good stuff.
I have no fitness plan for this hdoilay season. I do Jillian Michael’s 30-Day Shred a couple of times a week, but come the first, I really need to kick it in high gear. One of my new years resolutions is to walk 2010 miles next year. I think that might help me reach my weight loss goals. Good luck with yours!