Kyle and Nicole bought me a desktop calendar during the holidays. It’s all about MOM things. I love flipping the pages and finding interesting things mom’s say or interesting “mom facts.” Yesterday, the mom fact said that Gerber’s top selling baby food in Japan is a concoction made of ground- up Sardines. Smart that they are in Japan, though it may not sound appealing, sardines are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids. With the recommended daily amount of this important nutrient being 500 mgs a day, a 3-ounce serving contains about 830 mgs! The fatty acids protect against inflammation (the root of most bodily evils) and lower blood fats (triglycerides).
How about a cup of green tea today? Mitch decided he would drink coffee at home in the morning, but once arriving in his office would switch to green tea. Smart. Drinking a mug of green tea increases blood flow for 30 minutes, according to a recent study in the European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation. Black tea provides a similar benefit, both because the antioxidants improve vessel function.
If you are drinking tea, hold the sugar, but add some honey. Sugar may suppress the production of nitric oxide which helps keep blood vessels relaxed and hence, widened. Honey is so much more concentrated, much less is needed. Research shows that those that choose honey over sugar have lower cholesterol levels.
One more heart healthy tip is one I have been practicing my entire adult life. This is to eat your fruits and veggies FIRST. People who begin each meal with fresh produce consume more nutrients and less saturated fat all day, than those who don’t. Common sense would tell us that filling up on the healthy, low fat, nutrient dense, fiber filled fruits and veggies is a healthy idea and a great tool for weight management. If you can manage your weight, your heart health will follow. The reverse holds true…if you treat your body like a temple, fill it with the nutrients it needs to be healthy, weight management will follow. I make a huge dinner salad almost every night and dress it with my homemade dressing–fresh lemon juice, olive oil and a splash of safflower oil. It always ends up being my main course, regardless of what else is on the table.
Before I sign off and get moving, a very, very, very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my special friend and student of so many years, Rita. An educator extraordinaire, a published writer and a spreader of all things peace and fitness, I wish her a very happy day with a wonderful year to follow. Since I know you are reading this, Rita, thanks for all your support ALWAYS and ALL WAYS! Thanks for your contributions to this blog, to the gazillions of students you have and continue to positively impact. Thanks for your wit and your positive outlook on life. I know I won’t see you in class tonight, but I do look forward to our celebrating together! Enjoy YOUR day.
Have a terrific Tuesday everyone.
Rita says addition to all the wonderful ideas you have shared with us today, I am so deeply touched with your beautiful birthday sentiment. Yes… is my very special day and I plan on celebrating with my husband. We are going to have a birthday dinner at one of our favorite beach bistros. Unfortunately, I will not be attending your class tonight, but I will be there vicariously! 🙂
I would like to add another heart healthy beverage to your list. I enjoy drinking a hot cup of Bragg’s Organic Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider vinegar (at Whole Foods) and honey. I use about 2 tablespoons of each in a cup of hot water. (Actually, the recipe is on the side of the bottle.) I know that it sounds kind of “funky,” but once you become accustomed to the flavor… is truly awesome!! There are all kinds of medicinal values in this drink, but I enjoy it because it relaxes me. It takes a lot to make me relax and this tonic does the trick for me. Cheers to everyone and have a fabulous day!!!
Carole says
There’s another sweetener suggestion I was recently turned on to: Organic blue agave.
It’s a “low glycemic sweetener, 25% sweeter than sugar, organic, GMO free, kosher, gluten free and vegan. It’s natural sweetness without the blood sugar spike”.
It’s in liquid form, like syrup so it mixes easily with tea, etc.
Thanks for all the tips Bon!!!
Carolanne says
Happy Birthday Rita ! Missed you this week.
Hmm – Organic Blue Agave – very interesting.
Bonni – Thanks for all the great tips and words of wisdom. I look forward to seeing what the subject of the day is and reading your blog.
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CR says
Just wanted to share my Uncle Tobys Honey Lemonade Recipe: 1/2 gallon warm water, 1/2 cup honey, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice. Just mix it all with your hands (their warmth will disolve the honey and sugar) and pour mixture into a gallon container filled 3/4 with ice. You can even add a sprig of lavander or a slice of fresh ginger for a little extra spice.
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