The first Friday of spring. YAY. Can’t wait to welcome the weekend in with some incredibly peaceful postures tonight at TFC, while we raise money to feed the hungry in Ft. Lauderdale. I’ll be at the gym at about 6. In keeping with the idea that we all have more than enough to share with others, I’ll be bringing some bottles of wine that I have received through the year, but haven’t opened yet. If anyone wants to get to the gym a little early we can toast to the weekend, the season and the reason we are all together. The generosity of my students, friends and co-workers has helped us raise enough money to feed hundreds a people a hot meal! Remember to dress very comfortably and bring whatever helps you be more comfortable (ie., socks, sweatshirt, towel, washcloth and in Carol’s case….gloves!) If you are planning on coming and haven’t made your donation yet, please get to the gym a little early so that once the clock strikes 6:30 we can be down on our mats in shavasana, cell phones off, and breathing in peace.
Wherever you are, celebrate spring…the weekend…and remember that if you have more than enough, you have much to be grateful for. Namaste.

Namaste-sorry I can’t join you tonight-I know I will miss an awesome class!
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