Yesterday I had an entire day off. Since Thursday is Blaze’s day to be the trainer, I once again let him decide which way, how far and yesterday, how fast. He injured his left hind leg almost 2 years ago. Opting out of surgery, we chose a healing route that required A LOT of patience. Through an internet message board, called CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT, I learned a way to let Blaze heal naturally, resting and building scar tissue to help serve as a natural brace for his knee. It took weeks before he could walk on all 4 legs and months before he could walk any distance for pleasure. Though he walks with a slight limp (no longer really noticeable) and I am OVERLY cautious about him getting injured again, he can now walk pretty endlessly and once again run.
Yesterday we ran more than we have run since the accident. Since I tore my hamstring this past September, patience once again became my mantra. This time for me! Though I had no problem returning to aerobic classes, weight training or even Pilates and yoga, running remained a challenge. Yesterday, though I didn’t run too fast, or too far, for the first time in almost 7 months, I was able to run with more ease and a more grace stride, something I questioned ever happening again. Moral of this whole story? PATIENCE…and gratitude, too. Gratitude because each and every day that Blaze (and I) have been able to just walk, I have been grateful that in both of our cases we weren’t injured beyond repair. If that was the best we ever got, that would be OK, too–but running–that was beyond OK. It felt great physically, but nothing compared to the mental high of knowing things were still getting better every day.
Practicing yoga has been a big part of my injury rehabilitation. It has given me incredible flexibility and inner strength. Aimee Christine Huges, a holistic health writer from Walla Walla, Washington says that “balance postures and warrior poses, improve concentration and build inner and out strength. As you practice these poses, don’t worry about losing your balance. Simply learn how to let the pose move you a little, without knocking you over. Carry this awareness from your yoga practice into your every day life to cultivate independence, self-assurance and positive changes.” I couldn’t agree more and encourage everyone to try a little yoga and tell someone you love, to do the same!
Vegan dinner was a blast. I need a bigger table! We were 10 last night…thanks to Mishell (no, that’s not a typo…Mishell is how you spell her name, and Mis-hell is what we call her, fondly) for helping prepare and clean up! As always, lots of laughter and youthful energy filled the house for several hours. We learned a little about Passover and seemed to get Kyle’s moving arrangements worked out, as well! Happy as we are for him, he sure will be missed around here.
Thanks to Rita for sharing that recipe which I will be trying very soon. I also got a couple of recipes sent to me in email, that I will need to copy and paste and share…soon.
For now, however, I must get moving. Before I close let’s look at our 5th simple attitude change for Friday.
Try self forgiveness, watch anger and resentment evaporate.
You will love the final one, which comes tomorrow. I promise. See you then.
Rita says
It sounds like you and Blaze are truly soul mates. What a team. Both of you seem to know just exactly how to challenge and support each other. What a special bond.
Well……..have you read the latest about BL?!?! In the newspaper this morning, I read that Stephanie and Sam have a little romance in the works!! She states that, “Sam and I formed a really great friendship, and it fell into like and then it fell into love.” Isn’t that cool!! What an awesome couple!!!!
Thanks for all your helpful hints while practicing yoga. I still wobble with many of the postures. Patience!!!
bonni says
i DID just read the paper, rita…i saw that blurb about stephanie and sam…i am excited and …jealous 🙂
have a fantastic friday–see you tomorrow…ox
Carolanne says
Ooohhh – That’s why Sam didn’t bad mouth Steph to her team mates! But, what does that say about Koli? Jealous? or maybe scared that Sam would sacrifice himself for her at some point? Planting seeds of doubt with Ashley and Drea was a strategy that worked as they voted to keep Sam in the house. Hhhmmm – Let the game play begin in earnest now!
bonni says
carol..i actually forgot all about that bit with koli and ashley…yup. let the games begin–especially with that witch back in the game!!!