Message from our dear friend, Ken Aronoff, who’s heart is enormous. But you will see for yourself as you read this. If you can purchase a bracelet and/or pass this on, it will be of great help to Dillon and his family. Thanks.
So…For those- of your who have known me for a while…I will be writing about two things I find quite foreign. First I will attempt to be serious (I’ve never been good at that)…and second I will ask for help (I will never be good at that!). Now don’t run off…please read this cause I’m about to bare it all… You see…Im in love with my ex wife (read on!). Marriages end, but the love doesn’t have to.We have an astounding give/ take relationship. At the beginning of each month she takes a lot… and I give a lot. Somehow…it all balances out. I still consider her my best friend. I also love her husband, Drew…who understands this dynamic. Perhaps because he looks like an underwear model and can kick my butt just by glancing in my general direction. Also…we share the bond of co parenting…and the true love of friendship. The love of family. Hey…it works for us. On March 24, 2005 Dillon Joseph Brooks entered MY life. Yes, he completed the Brooks family, a brother to my kids, a son to Drew and Caroline. Odd as it may sound…he is like a grandson to me. For 8 years he has swelled my heart with joy. He maintains the wildness of a boy and the heart tug of a never ending smile…and like any pseudo grandpa…I can go home when I please. Its like renting a kid for a few hours!
On August 26, 2013, without any prior warnings or symptoms, Dillon was diagnosed with a large brain tumor. Six hours of emergency surgery at Miami Children’s Hospital was successfully performed. The pathology report was dire. Dillon has been diagnosed with Glioblastoma Multiform….a highly aggressive malignant brain tumor. Dillon has just been accepted to an experimental trial at the Dana-Farber Children’s Hospital in Boston. On September 23, under the care of Dr. Mark Kieran, he will again undergo brain surgery. A gene transfer “vaccine” will be placed in the region of the tumor, to be followed by chemo and radiation.
The Brooks family has received incredible support from friends, family, co workers, neighbors, and the community. The Pembroke Pines Police (to this day still make me nervous) the Miami Dolphins and the Irelands are now family. Community takes care of its own!
Here is the uncomfortable part: Please..we need help…and hope! Although insurance will cover the brunt, Dillon’s treatment will be experimental, and ongoing expenses are still an unknown. The funds collected are crucial for the ongoing trials so that Dillon and other kids might survive. Science is performing miracles every day…now its our turn for a miracle.
Please support our sweet Dillon as he and his family take on a fight against Glioblastoma which is a malignant tumor in the brain. This sweet boy was diagnosed just one week ago and will be traveling to Boston for treatment. Please help us show your support to this family by joining “Team Dillon”. These bracelets were designed by friends and of the family and we hope that you can help us by making a minimum $10.00 donation (any and all donations are much appreciated). Donations are tax deductible and 100% will go to the family. The bracelets were purchased by an anonymous donor and will be mailed to you.
Checks should be made payable to The PBA Hope Fund. On the memo of the check, please write, “Team Dillon”. The HOPE FUND is registered with the State of Florida and the IRS as a tax exempt charitable organization in compliance with the code of 501C (3). (FEID# 65-0400777).
Please mail the order form below to: Ysela Helm
18701 NW 5 ST
Pembroke Pines, FL 33209
Thank you for your support and please continue to pray and support our sweet Dillon!
Address _____________________________________________
Phone #________________________________
Amount Donated: _____________________
Please allow 5-7 days for delivery or if you are local, you can pick them up. Call me at 954 249-2614